søndag, 06 mars 2016 08:36

Platinum Series II – oppgraderte toppmodeller fra Monitor Audio

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Monitor Audio sin Platinum serie ble lansert i 2007, og har vært toppmodellene i denne tradisjonsrike britiske produsenten som holder til i Rayleigh i Essex øst for London, og har produsert høyttalere i over 40 år.

Nå har Monitor Audio lansert en oppdatert serie – Platinum Series II. Kabinettene i Platinum II er håndlagde, produsert i finerlamineringer som gir kurvede flater. Frontbaflene er trukket i lær

I Platinum II serien sitter forbedrede utgaver av Monitor Audio sine RDT elementer til mellomtone og bass. Som diskant benyttes for første gang MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) transducer. Det er også forbedrede selefilter og høyttalerterminaler i forhold til forgjengerne.

Det er totalt 7 modeller i serien, om allerede er på plass i den norske importøren sitt sortiment.


Prisene i Norge er:


  • Platinum 100 II: 42.995,-


  • Platinum 200 II: 87.995,-
  • Platinum 300 II: 109.995,-
  • Platinum 500 II: 199.995,-


  • Platinum C150 II: 29.995,-
  • Platinum C350 II: 42.995,-


  • Platinum W215 II: 49.995,-





Norsk importør er Spaceworld Soundgarden.



Produsenten sine spesifikasjoner:



Monitor Audio Platinum 100 II:

  • 6 1/2" RDT®II bass / mid driver
  • MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) high frequency transducer designed specifically for Platinum II
  • Single rear HiVe®II port
  • New patented 'DCF' (Dynamic Coupling Filter) mechanism for more natural sound
  • Bespoke speaker terminals and footings
  • Underhung, edge-wound voice coils: greater driver efficiency and lifelike dynamics, less distortion
  • Bolt through drivers: clearer sound and cleaner aesthetics
  • Anti-Resonance Composite (ARC) mid-range housings and baffle components: reduced cabinet vibration, purer sound quality
  • Hand-upholstered front baffle: the very highest quality Inglestone leather supplied by Andrew Muirhead
  • Individual driver grilles
  • Finish options: Santos Rosewood or Ebony natural wood veneers with clear gloss piano lacquer, or Piano black gloss lacquer
  • Optional dedicated floor stand available


Monitor Audio Platinum 200 II:

  • 2 x 6 1/2" RDT®II long throw bass drivers
  • 4" RDT II mid-range driver
  • MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) high frequency transducer designed specifically for Platinum II
  • 2 x HiVe®II ports
  • New patented 'DCF' (Dynamic Coupling Filter) mechanism for more natural sound
  • Bespoke speaker terminals and footings
  • Underhung, edge-wound voice coils: greater driver efficiency and lifelike dynamics, less distortion
  • Bolt through drivers: clearer sound and cleaner aesthetics
  • Anti-Resonance Composite (ARC) mid-range housings and baffle components: reduced cabinet vibration, purer sound quality
  • TLE (Tapered Line Enclosure) sealed internal enclosure for mid-range drivers: greater sound accuracy and reduced cabinet vibration
  • Hand-upholstered front baffle: the very highest quality Inglestone leather supplied by Andrew Muirhead
  • Individual driver grilles
  • Finish options: Santos Rosewood or Ebony natural wood veneers with clear gloss piano lacquer, or Piano black gloss lacquer



Monitor Audio Platinum 300 II:

  • 2 x 8" RDT®II long throw bass drivers
  • 4" RDT II mid-range driver
  • MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) high frequency transducer designed specifically for Platinum II
  • 2 x HiVe®II ports
  • New patented 'DCF' (Dynamic Coupling Filter) mechanism for more natural sound
  • Bespoke speaker terminals and footings
  • Underhung, edge-wound voice coils: greater driver efficiency and lifelike dynamics, less distortion
  • Bolt through drivers: clearer sound and cleaner aesthetics
  • Anti-Resonance Composite (ARC) mid-range housings and baffle components: reduced cabinet vibration, purer sound quality
  • TLE (Tapered Line Enclosure) sealed internal enclosure for mid-range drivers: greater sound accuracy and reduced cabinet vibration
  • Hand-upholstered front baffle: the very highest quality Inglestone leather supplied by Andrew Muirhead
  • Individual driver grilles
  • Finish options: Santos Rosewood or Ebony natural wood veneers with clear gloss piano lacquer, or Piano black gloss lacquer



Monitor Audio Platinum 500 II:

  • 4 x 8" RDT®II long throw bass drivers
  • 2 x 4" RDT II mid-range drivers
  • MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) high frequency transducer designed specifically for Platinum II
  • 4 x HiVe®II ports
  • New patented 'DCF' (Dynamic Coupling Filter) mechanism for more natural sound
  • Bespoke speaker terminals and footings
  • Underhung, edge-wound voice coils: greater driver efficiency and lifelike dynamics, less distortion
  • Bolt through drivers: clearer sound and cleaner aesthetics
  • Anti-Resonance Composite (ARC) mid-range housings and baffle components: reduced cabinet vibration, purer sound quality
  • TLE (Tapered Line Enclosure) sealed internal enclosure for mid-range drivers: greater sound accuracy and reduced cabinet vibration
  • Hand-upholstered front baffle: the very highest quality Inglestone leather supplied by Andrew Muirhead
  • Individual driver grilles
  • Finish options: Santos Rosewood or Ebony natural wood veneers with clear gloss piano lacquer, or Piano black gloss lacquer



Monitor Audio Platinum C150 II:

  • 6 1/2" RDT®II bass driver
  • 6 1/2" RDT II bass / mid driver
  • MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) high frequency transducer designed specifically for Platinum II
  • Single rear HiVe®II port
  • New patented 'DCF' (Dynamic Coupling Filter) mechanism for more natural sound
  • Bespoke speaker terminals
  • Underhung, edge-wound voice coils: greater driver efficiency and lifelike dynamics, less distortion
  • Bolt through drivers: clearer sound and cleaner aesthetics
  • Anti-Resonance Composite (ARC) mid-range housings and baffle components: reduced cabinet vibration, purer sound quality
  • Hand-upholstered front baffle: the very highest quality Inglestone leather supplied by Andrew Muirhead
  • Individual driver grilles
  • Finish options: Santos Rosewood or Ebony natural wood veneers with clear gloss piano lacquer, or Piano black gloss lacquer
  • Optional dedicated floor stand available



Monitor Audio Platinum C350 II:

  • 2 x 8" RDT®II long-throw bass drivers
  • 4" RDT II mid-range driver
  • MPD (Micro Pleated Diaphragm) high frequency transducer designed specifically for Platinum II
  • 2 x HiVe®II ports
  • New patented 'DCF' (Dynamic Coupling Filter) mechanism for more natural sound
  • Bespoke speaker terminals and footings
  • Underhung, edge-wound voice coils: greater driver efficiency and lifelike dynamics, less distortion
  • Bolt through drivers: clearer sound and cleaner aesthetics
  • Anti-Resonance Composite (ARC) mid-range housings and baffle components: reduced cabinet vibration, purer sound quality
  • TLE (Tapered Line Enclosure) sealed internal enclosure for mid-range drivers: greater sound accuracy and reduced cabinet vibration
  • Hand-upholstered front baffle: the very highest quality Inglestone leather supplied by Andrew Muirhead
  • Individual driver grilles
  • Finish options: Santos Rosewood or Ebony natural wood veneers with clear gloss piano lacquer, or Piano black gloss lacquer
  • Optional dedicated floor stand available



Monitor Audio Platinum W215 II:

  • Twin 15” C-CAM drivers, triple-suspended for a full 4cm of excursion
  • A dedicated DSP-controlled amplifier powers each driver
  • SubConnect software: adjust in-room response using top panel dial or laptop
  • 4 user presets per input, including preset Flat/Music/Movie/Impact modes
  • Night Mode: actively reduces dynamic range of louder sections to desired level
  • High current Switch mode power supply (SMPSU)
  • 12v trigger in (3.5mm mono mini-jack, 6v threshold)
  • IR remote included, IR receiver on front panel




Sist redigert søndag, 06 mars 2016 20:28
Karl Erik Sylthe

Redaktør i Audiophile.no

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