This is not the first time Linn surprise the market with drastic decisions. Already in 2009 Linn skipped production of CD players as a fundamental and strategic choice. The time was a part of Linn's strategy to be the leader in streaming technology. Linn was perhaps the first HighEnd-manufacturer to offer streaming solutions, and is still among the leading companies when it comes to innovative solutions. Both their Exakt technology and latest Space Optimisation is part of the construction of the DS technology to Linn.
Now they have taken another drastic choice, to skip all analog preamplifiers, and shift to strengthen their focus on the DS-based products. In other words preamplifiers with built-in streaming. This decision has caused mixed reactions among Linn enthusiasts, perhaps especially the old guard whose Linn-engasjemenet founded on the legendary turntable Linn Sondek are a bit sceptical.
Linn shows an offensive attitude to this issue. They believe that the DS-based preamplifiers constitutes a strength, also for vinyl playback. Tonight they arrange for the first time in history a webinar organized by Technical Director Keith Robertson, with invitiasjon to Linn Forum`s users. We have received confirmation from Linn that everyone is welcome to participate, also non-members.
There will be time for participants to ask questions in advance. Participants must register for the webinar and registration takes place here:
The webinar takes place at. 20.00 English (local) time tonight, Thursday, 4 June 2015.
Also read:
Linn SPACE Optimisation - room correction on Scottish trial run
Linn launch Exakt Akudorik and Akurate Exaktbox.
Linn Akurate Exakt.
We dive into Linn`s DS-Concept
Linn Exakt - we dive a little deeper
Linn Exakt – the source i is in the speaker.